The Mortgage Man

Get more out of your mortgage experience!

Archive for November, 2008

We Are Moving!!

This blog is in the process of transitioning to  Please visit us there for the latest updates on the Real Estate and Mortgage industry.

Bailout Bingo – “Citi, Please Step To The Window”

Here we go again…The next company too big to fail puts their hat out for some tax payer love.

The more I hear the term “bailout”, the less I believe it is the right thing to do.  Probably the one that I have the biggest problem with at this point is the auto industry.  I know that there are millions of jobs associated with the auto industry.  And I know that a collapse of any one of the big 3 US auto makers would have a devastating affect on the economy.  But, has anyone noticed that Toyota and Honda are expanding?

Hmm…Some auto manufacturers are actually expanding and creating new jobs, while the US auto makers are completly crippled by expenses and technology issues.  I also discovered that the average wage for GM was $73 per hour, while the same worker at Toyota is making about $44 per hour.  I am no economist, but it looks like the company that makes a better product and can sell it cheaper deserves to beat out the competition.

So, that brings us back to Citi.  The term “too big to fail” is complete BS to me.  If you are providing a quality service, with an appropriate amount of risk, in a market where consumers need or want your product….you won’t fail (regardless of how big you are).  The more we keep throwing money at these companies to subsidize their failure, the more it is going to come back around to bite us (or our grandchildren) in the end.  And worse yet, the more we do it, the more everyone becomes numb to the idea of it.

Anyway, that’s my soapbox for the day.  If you would like to discuss your own mortgage bailout, give me a call at 850-221-8334, or visit

Twitter Me This…

For months now I have heard the “buzz” about and its ability to micro blog whatever you are doing at any given time.  I of course didn’t see the point.  But,  since it is free, I went ahead and signed up for an account about 9 months ago, and proceeded to do absolutely nothing with it.

Now, after getting asked repeatedly about twitter, and after getting my first confirmed real estate lead from there, I have had my light bulb moment.  If someone is following me on twitter, they know that I am a mortgage banker.  And, they will also get to see everytime I update something on my profile such as a new blog post, or today’s mortgage rates, or what the neighbor’s cat is doing in my yard.

The concept of Twitter is so simple, that I truly didn’t get why you would even bother, until recently.  I am by no means a “twitter-holic”, but I an trying to more frequently update what is going on with me for those interested in me or mortgages or real estate or all of the above.

You can follow me on Twitter by clicking the Twitter icon on the right side of this screen.

For your daily mortgage rates, go to, or call me at 850-221-8334.